Sire: Montana Doc Dam: Lady Temesun Date__________________ 1. (a) I hereby agree to breed my mare __________________________, Registration No._________________, to the stallion, Temesun, and to pay the sum of $1,250 plus board and expenses shown below. Board for mare shall be at the rate of $6.00 per day or $7.00 per day with a foal. (b) Of this amount, a non-refundable booking fee of $500 is payable with this contract and the balance of $750 plus all unpaid board and expenses will be paid when the mare is picked up, or declared in foal by veterinarian. 2. The stallion owner shall diligently try to settle the mare up to and including July 1st, unless otherwise arranged at the time of signing this contract. If for any reason she does not settle, mare owner will hold stallion owner harmless. Mare to have current, (12 mo.), negative Coggins test. 3. It is mare owner's understanding that stallion owner or agent will not be responsible for accident, sickness or death to the mare of foal and that stallion owner or agent will exercise his judgment in caring and supervising for them. Mare owner will not be responsible for any disease, accident or injury to the stallion. 4. It is agreeable to have stallion owner's veterinarian check the above mare for normal breeding conditions, and to perform such other veterinary services as are deemed necessary at the mare owner's expense. This includes worming, treating for infections, original examination, pregnancy checking, etc. (a) It is also agreed that a live foal is guaranteed and that if the foal does not stand and suck, the same mare (unless otherwise mutually agreed) will be entitled to a free season the following year only. This guarantee will apply only if the stallion owner is notified within one week from death; this notice must be accompanied by a statement from a licensed veterinarian.(b) If the mare proves not to be in foal in the year bred or loses her foal, as stated in Par. 4a above, the stallion owner has the option to rebreed the same mare the following year; however, if the mare is to be rebred and the mare owner fails to deliver her for rebreeding the following year, then any and all fees paid shall not be refundable and this contract is thereby canceled. 5. I have read the foregoing statements and hereby agree to their conditions. MARE OWNER_______________________________ Address_____________________________________ City, State____________________________________ Phone_______________________________________ SIGNATURE__________________________________ This page last updated February 09, 2001